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2025 Short-Term Tanker Market Outlooks
4500 USD
An analysis of the current tanker marketplace across all tanker sectors in the context of the 2025-2029 Tanker Market Outlook, delivered in a visualized way. The report covers various aspects of the industry in regards to global economic context, oil supply and demand, tanker demand, tonnage supply and year-to-date spot market rates. Outlook context and five month projections provide a snapshot of the future industry to guide prospective business decisions.
- Major Global Economic Themes
- Medium-Term Oil Fundamentals Shaping Tanker Demand
- Year-to-Date Spot Fixture Activity
- Tanker Demand Updates – Fixture Tracking
- Tanker Utilization Statistics (Remotely-Sensed Vessel Position Data)
- Tanker Supply Analysis (Updated Orderbook, Deletions, Additions)
- McQuilling Year-To-Date Performance
- FFA Forward Curve
- Freight Rate, TCE, and Time Charter Rate Summary
- Five-Month Freight Rate Forecast (24 Trades)
- Appendix of Asset Transactions and Time Charter Contracts